Friday, September 25, 2020

That Place of Peace

The expanse of the ocean takes the breath away. I stood. There at the beach, the waters roaring, I stood and listened to the sound of crashing waves. For a moment, nothing else in the world garnered my attention. My mind filled with the ocean and the One who made that very ocean. Cares drifted out to sea. Worries sank. For a moment in time, I felt the peace that surpassed all comprehension.

Where is your place you find such a peace? Though a hurricane stomped out a path off the coast, the very strength of the storm served as no match to the strength of a connection with the Lord. The raging inside fell silent to the realization that the One who spoke that ocean into existence is the same God who walks with me. We neglect to take time to find our place of peace. We make excuses as to why we cannot make it to the place. We run around and create even greater storms rather than find the shelter of the Lord who calms a storm with three words.

At our church, we are concluding a series on the storms of life this Sunday. Throughout the series, people commented how they needed the reminders, needed the guidance, and felt the Lord speaking to them. I take no credit. That's what God can do and will do when we seek Him. Deuteronomy 4 says, "But from there, you will search for the Lord your God, and you will find Him when you seek Him with all your heart and all your soul." (Deuteronomy 4:29 HCSB) Do we seek Him with all we have - heart and soul? Instead of running away and running around, what if we ran to the Lord in these troubled times?

Our world is a mess. Without perspective, we find ourselves overwhelmed and in fear. However, if you know Jesus, you can find peace even in the face of the strongest winds and waves. If you have a foundation in Christ and heed His words, you can stand. Jesus assured, "The rain fell, the rivers rose, and the winds blew and pounded that house. Yet it didn’t collapse, because its foundation was on the rock." (Matthew 7:25 HCSB)

Take a breath and let the power of God take your breath away today. Find the place where the Lord speaks to you and make the time to go there. Excuses push us to fall into further chaos, but we are called to meet with the Lord. The time given to the Lord is never a waste of time. In fact, it may calm your soul so you can better withstand what comes next. For me, the place where my soul finds rest is Atlantic Beach, NC. What's your place? What are you doing to get to the place where your soul is flooded with the peace that surpasses all comprehension? Go there. Find a way. Escape the flood of the earth and let your soul be flooded with peace. You'll be filled with praise when you meet with the Lord in such a way.

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